October 7 2017
Greek theatre began in the 6th century in order to honor the god Dionysus in a huge festival in the “city Dionysia” in Athens. Men used to perform songs and dances to welcome Dionysus.
Chorus is a group of people that perform on stage in a dance or a song or recitation which might reach 50 men to honor the god Dionysus. The chorus has a very important role in the Greek theatre where it was used to explain the play to the audience.
Styles of Greek theatre
1. Tragedy : was only for men and women were not allowed the tragedy play used to deal with moral rights and wrongs. It was mainly affected by the Greek religion.
One actor used to perform the whole play so he used different customs and masks with changing his voice in each role.
2.Comedy: it was mainly imitation. Aristophanes wrote most of the comedy plays.
3.satyr plays it is a combination of both comedy and tragedy called tragicomedy.
this is a picture of a Greek theater layout
parts of a Greek theater
the orchestra part is for performing acts and playing music
the theatron is the part surrounding the Orchestra which people sit and watch the people performing
the parods are the entrances and exits of the theater
I think our group did really bad because we weren't focusing and we could've made it look better if w performed more descriptively and were more focused
costume and props
I Think costumes and props would help our performance because it look more real and descriptive especially in the seen when opdeuis kills his father there we could use a sword and we could use a crown when opdeuis is the king and a baby when they find him
I think we could’ve made the play look more realistic by when the sphinx ask the riddle we could’ve had a tall tower And he could’ve asked him the riddle and we could’ve made look more hilarious for
the audience
Greek theatre began in the 6th century in order to honor the god Dionysus in a huge festival in the “city Dionysia” in Athens. Men used to perform songs and dances to welcome Dionysus.
Chorus is a group of people that perform on stage in a dance or a song or recitation which might reach 50 men to honor the god Dionysus. The chorus has a very important role in the Greek theatre where it was used to explain the play to the audience.
Styles of Greek theatre
1. Tragedy : was only for men and women were not allowed the tragedy play used to deal with moral rights and wrongs. It was mainly affected by the Greek religion.
One actor used to perform the whole play so he used different customs and masks with changing his voice in each role.
2.Comedy: it was mainly imitation. Aristophanes wrote most of the comedy plays.
3.satyr plays it is a combination of both comedy and tragedy called tragicomedy.
this is a picture of a Greek theater layout
parts of a Greek theater
the orchestra part is for performing acts and playing music
the theatron is the part surrounding the Orchestra which people sit and watch the people performing
the parods are the entrances and exits of the theater
I think our group did really bad because we weren't focusing and we could've made it look better if w performed more descriptively and were more focused
costume and props
I Think costumes and props would help our performance because it look more real and descriptive especially in the seen when opdeuis kills his father there we could use a sword and we could use a crown when opdeuis is the king and a baby when they find him
I think we could’ve made the play look more realistic by when the sphinx ask the riddle we could’ve had a tall tower And he could’ve asked him the riddle and we could’ve made look more hilarious for
the audience
this is where the underworld looks like
this is where the main character [ forget his name] plays music for hadieus
and this part is where the three headed monster started attacking
and this is the part the main character [ forget the name] defeats the three headed monster
this part is where the main character was getting attacked by the three headed monster
scene 1 ;
when Alice gets poisened because of her drink she drank we all say no because she died
scene 2:
when Orpheaus travels to the underworld
scene 3
Orpheas mets George and Orpheaus plays music really badl55y , so he lets him take alice
chorus work ; he asks that he wants his Alice then the chorus work is she is in my underworld and
she shall not return with you
Scene 4 ;
Alice was following Orpheaus while she gets attacked from the back by george and orpheaus loses Alice forever ; so we all say no he lose his alice
costumes and props
1 we could use a devil stick when orpheaus goes to the underworld and it could improve the play because then it will be more realistic
2 it will hinder our perfemonce because it will look better if we act it more than having objects with us
3 i could use a another devil stick because I will be the chorus wok and it will look better bec
ause i will be like the clone of the underworld keeper , Ayman cold use a guitar when he plays the music , Jiya could use a plastic plate and give it like real food to Ayman and Ivana could use a
plastic cup and thn drink it , tanay could use a big devil stick because he is the underworld keeper
Slap stick : comedy based on vey clumsy actions or hilarious events
Exaggerattion : is make something seem more important , worse , larger or worse than it really is
Juxtapoposition : having to things being seen or placed together with contrasting effect
Puns : a joke expoliting the different possible meaning of a word , and in fact have two same words with different meaning
Satire : to use humor to expose and criticize people using stupidity or vices
Mimicry : The action or skill to imatitate someone or something to entertain people
Double entenrede : a word or phase open to two interpretations
Dark comedy : a comic style that makes light of a subject matter
Stand out comedy : a comic style in which a comedian performs in front of a live audience, usually
talking to them about humorous stories or jokes
Accentes by Ellen Gold
1 . He is funny because he acts from all different accents and shows them how they talk the way he sounds and he’s facial expressions make the audience laugh
2. He uses his face and makes facial expressions while talking in a humorous way
When he uses his facial expressions talking about the Russian accents and him changing his face to funny faces
Adam and Ayman group
1 No it didn’t start being humorous
2 it could’ve improved if they tried to make look clear
3 No because Iam sure ayman and Adam could’ve made look more clear because it took me a long time to understand what was happening
4 ya it did using physical objects made it easier to understand the scene
5 Not always some scenes need physical theatre to explain the scene more and some don’t need them because you could understand what is happening
6 Yes they added comedy because they explained the scene more and you will laugh at a scene you understand than a scene that you didn’t understand
Ivan’s and Dominic’s group
1 no not at all
2 ithe whole scene should have improved becuase I didn’t understand a single thing in their scene
3 Ues because Dominic and Ivan are not that good at performing
4 ya it could have been better if they used physical objects to explain the scene
5 Not always some scenes need physical theatre to explain the scene more and some don’t need them because you could understand what is happening
6 Yes they added comedy because they explained the scene more and you will laugh at a scene you understand than a scene that you didn’t understand
Alesha and Omar B group
1 a little bit
2 it took me a long time to understand the scen
3 No because Omar B is like the class clown and he didn’t do well enough to make us laugh
4 when they used the chair I understood the whole scene so using physical objects was helpful
5 Not always some scenes need physical theatre to explain the scene more and some don’t need them because you could understand what is happening
6 Yes they added comedy because they explained the scene more and you will laugh at a scene you understand than a scene that you didn’t understand