Wednesday, 11 October 2017


 Semptember 19 2017

E.G.B.D.F sentaces in my group : Faris,Jiya,Abbia,alisa,Tannah
.early graduates brought doctor fruit

Bass clef the bass clef is also known as F clef
Ways of rembering a bass claf
Without spaces is E G B D F
Which stands for Early graduates  brought doctors fruit
And with spaces it spells F A C E

Image result for bass clef photos labeled notes



here is a labeled photo of a treble clef and a bass clef

Image result for quarter note symbolImage result for quarter note symbolImage result for quarter note symbol

Image result for quarter note symbolImage result for quarter note symbol

Image result for quarter note symbolImage result for quarter note symbolImage result for quarter note symbol



My piece we did in music 

Music reflection : 
The treeble clef is a note in the piano I learned about it that the treble clef without
 spaces spells egbdf  and the treble clef with spaces spells face I learned how to recognize and read a treble clef and now what line it is in and I learned about how to read the bass clef 

I learned about the rhythm and the beat and how many beats are in each note and in each rhythm and that rhythm is a important part of a song 

it was not that easy or hard  to create  a rhythmic composition it was not hard because it is easy to know which notes i should put  in the composition and it was not easy to think of a rhythm that rhyme

i used the alt by researching about   the treble clef and the bass clef and by working with my group when doing the treble clef game 

i should try to improve in writing 


  1. Treble/Bass Clef:
    Success: You created a new sentence for the treble clef. However, when mentioning the lines/spaces of the Bass clef, you confused them and wrote the lines and spaces for the treble clef, not the bass clef.
    Crtiterion A: 2

    4 Measures:
    This assignment needed work.
    Criterion A: 2
    Criterion C: 2

    16 measures:
    This was a vast improvement from the 4 measures task! There could have been more creativity by using any of the music rests.
    Criterion A: 6
    Criterion B (seen in class): 4
    Criteion C: 5

  2. Reflection:
    Your reflection was very limited and did not answer all the questions asked of you.
    EBI: You need to read the task in order to complete the reflection correctly.
    Criterion D: 3
